DNA, Clans, and Monarchy

Posted    Last Modified: February 27, 2020 at 12:54 pm
· Clans, Surname Studies

A presentation on the DNA, Clans, and Monarchy of Ireland was given in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 2018. This material updates earlier presentations on DNA vs Irish Annals and The Y DNA of the British Monarchy.

See the DNA, Clans and Monarchy Presentation Slides

Updates include:

  • Modern genetic genealogy DNA findings in the context of historic Irish clan groups and the British Monarchy. The two sets may be more closely related than you think.
  • Identification of specific DNA markers that could link you to some of these historic groups. Kinship groups covered include:
    • the Uí Néill, Airgíalla, and Ulaid of Ulster
    • the Dál Riata and Highlanders of Scotland
    • the various Gaelic kings of Connacht, Munster and Leinster
    • Normans lords of Ireland
    • the Mountbatten, Windsor, Stuart, and Plantagenet dynasties of the United Kingdom
    • Integration of Irish DNA Atlas (IDA) and Peoples of the British Isles (POBI) projects autosomal results